Lizzy's Bodacious Webbed Site


This is where I might show of things ive commisioned if I get permission from the artists to do so

A picture of Equius Zahhak wrapped up in a blanket holding a cup and wearing a scarf
A comfy STRONG boy

This one was made by Yaz! It is also the icon of this site!

A picture of Nihkee Moolah elbow dropping Zebruh Codakk
You know they say that all indigoes are created EQUAL, but you LOOK at me and you LOOK at Zebruh Codakk and you can see that statement is NOT TRUE
A picture of Nihkee Moolah and Chahut Maenad arm wrestling, with the ms paint adventure reader looking on in awe in the backround
They are having a "Girl Moment"

These two are made by Zen!If im not wrong these are the first things I ever commisioned!

A picture of a Croagunk getting kissed by a Smeargle
"A Smeargle marks its territory using a fluid that leaks out from the tip of its tail[...]"
A picture of three Pikachus and a Raichu. The Raichu is standing behind the Pikachus while the left and right Pikachus are leaning on the one in the middle, which looks very tired
"When several of these Pokémon [Pikachu] gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.""If the electric pouches in its [Raichu] cheeks become fully charged, both ears will stand straight up"

These two are made by Bruce!The second picture is actually my moms first commision!

A picture of Big the cat from Sonic the hedgehog making a sandwich aswell as a smaller sandwich for Froggy. Froggy is grabbing their sandwich with their tounge and Big is laughing
Breakfast time in Mystic Ruins!
A picture of my Fursona Lizzy. She is wearing a bathrobe and drinking a cup of tea
Slow Morning

And these ones are made by Pyro!!Got the first one as a gift for my bday 2022!

A picture of a Smeargle holding its tail and looking mischievous with Lunken writen in its paint above its head
"It draws symbols all over the place to mark its territory. In towns with many Smeargle, the walls are covered in graffiti."

This one is made by Max! It was a gift, for watching his Twitch stream! :33

A picture of a an Argo troll looking nervous with 'Definitely Indigo, just trust him''Trash Aficionado''Born to jam, Forced to work' nest to him
"Troll Call!"
an Argo sitting in a pile of junk, posing like Gendō Ikari
"POV: You tried to steal something from the landfill"

These are of my fan troll and were made by VH!They are primarily a Homestuck artist, but im sure they can do other stuff too! ;p