My name is Lizzy (or Lunken Online) and im 20 years old!
this is my webbed site and an experiment to try and learn to code!
Thought I could make some recommendations of games and books I like!
Night In The Woods
A very special game to me, as its probably most responsible for me having my current friend group! <3
The LISA series
Personally a big fan of the LISA games, definatly not for everyone tho! If u can think of something triggering, its probably brought up at some point in the series
Disco Elysium
"the incomprehensible Kim Kitsuragi experience of watching your partner smoke crack in public and then immediately proceed to pick up a dead bird off the ground and start talking to it,
which somehow results in him learning the name, age, shoe size, home address, and exact current location of the previously untraceable killer" - Tumblr user "georgebbwbush" 20/8-22
FFXIV (Final Fantasy 14)
At this point the main reason my site isnt done yet </3
A relatively new game with alot of potential! Has alot of potentialy seizure inducing and generaly eye straining graphics, so be careful!

Stories Untold
One of my favourite ever horror games, with a very unique framing device! Also includes some potentialy seizure enducing content so again, be careful!
House Of Leaves
Best book of all time, unfortunatley very hard to read so good luck if you have dyslexia!
Also a pretty dang special book, really recommend
You should check out my Cool Main, Undertale/Deltarune and Hometuck/Hiveswap Blogs !!!
Also maybe check out my maybe slightly less cool Night In The Woods and Disco Elysium Blogs!!
You should also check my "Project" page, to see if ive started doing something cool!